Leadership Development
Development of Individuals and Teams
We offer two distinct approaches to the development of individuals and teams. Individual development, often called coaching, strengthens strengths. This process begins with one or more assessments, and the individual and the executive identify desired results. In-person, video conferencing, emails, and phone conversations are used, along with assignments, to achieve agreed-upon developmental objectives.
Group or team development also begins with assessments.
- What is the team’s purpose or objective?
- How stable is team membership?
- Is the team co-located or distributed?
- Who are the team’s customers/clients?
- What are the team’s challenges?
Team members receive practical information on how to deal with their individual differences and remove barriers to communication, resulting in immediate improvement in decision making. Information pertinent to team decisions can ge gathered, analyzed, and acted upon more effectively when both the team’s style and members’ styles are understood and integrated into their routine interactions. Members can manage conflicts and resolve disagreements. Team members will better understand their strengths and weaknesses and use this knowledge to improve day-to-day functioning.
TDF™ Perceptual Style Inventory is our model for understanding the different styles of team members in the workplace. The TDF Team Development Workshop imparts the insights of the TDF model and equips team members to use those insights in ways that yield immediate results.
We invite you to follow this link for more information about the JFA Leadership and Team Development.
Here’s what our clients say:
Yes, contact me with more information about Leadership and Team Development!
We are looking for a partner to help us measure and improve our performance, and JFA has exceeded our expectations. The CSI coaching program goes that extra step to make sure that our managers are acting on the information being measured. JFA has taken the time to understand our business and our people, and PROACTIVELY suggest new ideas to improve our processes and skill sets.
The "CSI Coach" approach to information utilization and training has been of great value in our business development initiatives. Jim and his Team play a critical role in the execution of our Production Strategy.